All talks will be held in room PLS1130 in the Plant Sciences Building on the campus of the University of Maryland at College Park.
Friday, June 7
1pm – 2:30pm Errol Lord (The “New Book” talk, re: normative epistemology) (Handout)
2:45pm – 4:15pm Hallie Liberto (The “State of the Debate” talk, re: consent) (Handout, Table)
4:30pm – 6pm C. Thi Nguyen (The “Public Philosophy” talk)
6:30pm Dinner and drinks at The Hall, College Park (not provided)
Saturday, June 8
11am – 12:30pm John Basl (The “New Work for Normative Theorizing” talk, re: AI)
12:30pm – 1:30pm: Lunch catered by NuVegan
1:30pm – 3pm Keshav Singh (NEN Paper Prize Winner) (Handout)
3:15pm – 4:45pm Alex Guerrero (The “Under Discussed Normative Topic” talk)
7pm: Dinner and drinks for speakers and organizers at Lupo Pizzeria in DC