NEN 2024

Support for the 2024 Northeast Normativity Workshop is generously provided by the University of Hong Kong Department of Philosophy

A (tentative) program is available here. If you are interested in attending the workshop, registration is free (but required). You can register here.

NEN Paper Prize

Keshav Singh

Keshav Singh (Alabama, Birmingham) will be presenting on the topic of his prize winning paper, “Pragmatic Encroachment and the Reliance-Involving Conception of Belief”

Political Philosophy

Alex Guerrero

Alex Guerrero (Rutgers) will be talking about lottocracy and elections.

New Book

Errol Lord

Errol Lord (University of Pennsylvania) will be talking about his forthcoming book: Knowing the Normative World: On the Epistemologies of Ethics and Aesthetics

New Normative Work

John Basl

John Basl (Northeastern University) will be talking about new work for normative philosophers on AI and machine ethics.

State of the Debate

Hallie Liberto

Hallie Liberto (University of Maryland) will talking about the philosophical literature on consent.

Public Outreach

C. Thi Nguyen

C. Thi Nguyen (University of Utah) will be giving a talk aimed at a non-academic audience and discussing the role of public philosophy.